The Sacred Gong
"The Gong is the first and last instrument
for the human mind, there is only one thing
that can supersede and command the human mind,
the sound of the Gong. It is the first sound in the
universe, the sound that created this universe.
It's the basic creative sound. To the mind, the sound
of the gong is like a mother and father that
gave it birth. The mind has no power to resist
a gong that is well played."
Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga Gong Mantras
Protection, Guidance and Healing
"Ad Guray Nameh, Jugad Guray Nameh,
Sat Guray Nameh, Siri Guru Devey Nameh"
"Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo"
"Ad Such, Jugad Such, Haibhee Such,
Nanak Hosee Bhee Such"
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The existence of the Gong dates back to the Bronze Age, around 3500 BC. Evidence suggests that the Gongs existed at this time in Mesopotamia. Myth has it that sacred gongs included pieces of meteorites that fell from the heavens. Since the time of Buddha in 600BC, all sacred Chinese gongs have been inscribed with the two Mandarin Chinese characters "Tai Loi", which means "Happiness has Arrived", sweeping the darkness by bringing in the Light. The gong ancient use was as an initiation tool for enlightenment, etheric projection and exorcism of negative spirits. It has also been used by Tibetan monks, and the Chinese, for centuries as an aid to meditation.
There are instruments and there are instruments. Among the latter is the gong, that instrument which can produce all the sounds within our hearing range. The oldest known gongs are over 5,000 years old and come from Asia Minor. In the East, this instrument has been used in many different religious contexts, for example, in yoga meditation. The West however, is only acquainted with it through its thunderous, yet seldom heard sounds in symphony orchestras.
Paiste has taken traditional gong designs of the East and made a number of important changes with regard to design, construction and tuning. These gongs have been developed over the last 35 years in Europe by the Paiste company in consultation with scientists, musicians and therapeutic practitioners. The Gongs are made of a bronze. nickel and silver alloy which has been highly condensed through a process of heating and rolling under pressure. This process brings the metal to a consistency which carries minimal internal resistance and eliminates any possibility of cracks or fissures when used correctly. Gongs are tuned to create a harmonious blend of sustained resonance.
The Gong is like a stargate from which brings in a vortex of energy which facilitates our connection with the infinite higher self. Creating a synergy effect bringing the listener to know the oneness of all effortlessly, while recharging the body and strengthening the nervous system all at once.
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A Gong Immersion is like a very deep and lasting massage, by tuning the physical body and soul to the greatest possible resonance.
Usually laying down on your back in savasana position, receiving the sound energy of the gong as it is being
played moving through the nervous system opening, clearing and recharging the whole mind, body and spirit. Triggering a meditation, contemplation state in which we have the opportunity to relinquish control of the mind. Negativity and chaos are suspended, irregularity and resistance are cleared, and the whole being is reset to a state of synchrony and alignment.
For more detailed description of the Gong Immersion go to the Workshops page or click here
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"The Gong is the spirit song.
It is the primal whisper of the soul.
It's sounds is the echo of the Original Word that created the world, the sound within all sounds.
Listen with outer and inner ears.
Feel its pulsations and let the millions of vibrations dance and flow through your senses.
You will become fearless, relaxed and awakened.
The ancients sought this experience on the tops of mountains and at the sacred places.
The voice of God would thunder in, spectacular strokes of lightning.
The clap of thunder - Bang! Shatter! Roll! Echo! - stopped all thought, stripped away pretense, shook loose the deepest fears, and rejuvenated the nervous system.
It created strength, peace and healing.
The Gong is that sound. It is the flash of inner light.
The mallet is the will of the infinite, the gong, the creation, and the sound is the spirit song, the heartbeat of the soul."
Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga
By SUNIAI (Deeply Listening) the Gong brings out the sound from were we all come from. When physical and spiritual bodies are showered with these sounds, they recognize their Mother-Father Creator, the vibration-sound were we come from. Just like a little lion cub when it is grabbed by it's mother totally relaxes. This parasympathetic system kicks in providing no resistance so the mother can carry the cub with minimum effort to a secure place. In the same way we are able to let go totally and all our systems reset to the default setting of the creator (the universal sound) bringing balance and harmony; helping us to relax, see things from a neutral point of mind, the state of SHUNIAA, removing the emotional traces of recurring Karma (the universal mind). One with the Universe. The lioness and the cub, the cub and the lioness are one.
Experience SHUNIAA through the journey of the "Sotantar" which means going beyond time and space by tuning in to the frequencies of the gongs, listening, and feeling these sacred sounds vibrations.
Sotantar Suraj
For a detailed description of
Gong Master Training for Self Mastery
go to the Workshops page or click here
Schedule a Gong Immersion Session
Go to Contact Us Page and complete the form to schedule your session.
The Solar System Gongs, beside having the qualities of the symphonic Gongs and sounding a little bit more sweet, have a thicker construction so the can be easier to tune in to a particular frequency and are tuned in conformity with the natural harmonic series based in the orbital and cyclic properties of the Earth, Moon, Sun, and Planets, as determined by Swiss scientist Hans Cousto. (For more information on fundamental tones, frequencies and octaves refer to the book The Cosmic Octave - Origin of Harmony by Hans Cousto)
Named for the Greek Gods, the planets also embody significant archetypal, astrological and mythological association. Additionally, Sixth century B.C. Greek philosopher, mathematician, musician and cosmologist Pythagoras developed the concept of "The Music of the Spheres", the tone of each planet in our solar system coming together as one great cosmic chord. Solar System Gongs bring the harmonic convergence of the celestial bodies as pure sound energy.
1 - For Endurance, Strenght or Courage: The SUN GONG
2 - For Communication, Clear Thinking: The MERCURY GONG
3 - For Sensuality, Love , Gain Perpective: The VENUS GONG
4 - For Sexuality or Emotional Issues: The MOON GONGS
5 - For Relaxation, Opening The Heart: The EARTH GONGS
6 - For Energy or Assertiveness: The MARS GONG
7 - For Trust or Feelings of Prosperity: The JUPITER GONG
8 - For Understanding or Concentration: The SATURN GONG
9 - For Spontaneity or Fluidity: The URANUS GONG
10 - For Vision or Inspiration: The NEPTUNE GONG
11 - For Integration, Purification, Letting Go: The PLUTO GONG
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I Am
Gong size: 38"
Price: Conctact Sotantar
Floor Stand
Mallet M5
Carrying Cases Available
CD: Sun Gong
Fundamental tone: 32.312.52 Hz
Gong pitch: B (126.22Hz - 8 octaves below the fundamental tone)
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I Think
size: 32"
Price: Contact Sotantar
Floor Stand
Mallet M3
Carrying Cases Available
CD: 11 Gongs of the Solar System
Gong pitch: C# (141.27Hz - 30th octave)
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Essence: I Love
Gong size: 24"
Price: Contact Sotantar
Floor Stand
Mallet M3
Carrying Cases Available
CD: Venus Gong
Gong pitch: A (221.23 Hz - 32nd octave)
Orbital frequency: 224.701 days
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Essence: I Feel
Gong size: 24"
Price: Contact Sotantar
Floor Stand
Mallet M3
Carrying Cases Available
CD: Three Moon Gongs
Gong pitch: G#(210.42 Hz - the 20th Octave from
the New Moon cycle - this fundamental tone is 29.5 days.
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Essence: I Feel
Gong size: 24"
Price: Contact Sotantar
Floor Stand
Mallet M3
Carrying Cases Available
CD: Three Moon Gongs
The Full Moon - the moon's orbit around the Earth.
Fundamental tone is 27.32 days.
Gong pitch: A#(227.43Hz - the 20th octave from the fundamental
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Essence: I Experience
Gong size: 28"
Price: Contact Sotantar
Floor Stand
Mallet M3
Carrying Cases Available
CD: Earth Gong
The frequency of an Earth Day - 23 hours 56 minutes.
Gong pitch: G (194.71 Hz - 24th octave)
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Essence: I Experience
Gong size: 38"
Price: Contact Sotantar
Floor Stand
Mallet M5
Carrying Cases Available
CD: Earth Year Gong
Gong pitch: C# (136.1 Hz - 32nd octave)
Orbital frequency: 365.242 days
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Essence: I Know and I Experience
Gong size: 30"
Price: Contact Sotantar
Floor Stand
Mallet M3
Carrying Cases Available
CD: Earth Platonic Year, Coming Soon
The frequency of the Earth's cycle through all signs of the
Zodiac 25,920 years.
Gong pitch: F (172.06Hz - 47th octave)
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Essence: I Wil
Gong size: 32"
Price: Contact Sotantar
Floor Stand
Mallet M6
Carrying Cases Available
CD: Mars Gong
Gong pitch: D (144.72Hz - 33rd octave)
frequency: 686.98 days
Essence: I Trust
Gong size: 28"
Price: Contact Sotantar
Floor Stand
Mallet M3
Custom Carrying Cases Available
CD: 11 Gongs of the Solar System
Gong pitch: F# (183.58Hz - 36th octave)
Orbital frequency: 4332.588days
Essence: I Do
responsibility and completing any tasks.
Gong size: 32"
Price: Contact SotantarFloor Stand
Mallet M3
Carrying Cases Available
CD: Saturn Gong
Gong pitch: D (147.85 Hz - 37th octave)
Orbital frequency: 10759.21days
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Essence: I Know
Gong size: 24"
Price: Contact Sotantar
Floor Stand
Mallet M3
Custom Carrying Cases Available
CD: 11 Gongs of the Solar System
Gong pitch: G# (207.36Hz - 39th octave)
Orbital frequency: 30685.93 days
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Essence: I Create
Gong size: 24"
Price: Contact Sotantar
Floor Stand
Mallet M3
Carrying Cases Available
CD: 11 Gongs of the Solar System
Gong pitch:
G# (211.45 Hz - 40th octave)
Orbital frequency: 60187.64 days
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Essence: I Let Go
Gong size: 36"
Price: Contact Sotantar
Floor Stand
Mallet M5
Carrying Cases Available
CD: Pluto Gong
Gong pitch: C# (140.25 Hz - 40th octave)
Orbital frequency: 90737.2 days
Chakra: Heart
Color: Blue/green
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Sound Creation Gong captures in sound a portion of the Universal Gong. As
the universal Gong represents Totality as a Sound Experience, each Sound Creation
Gong represents a portion of that Totality, and is therefore best understood
in an associative way. Sound Creation Gongs enhance our awareness of basic
elemental and emotional polarities and can be used to create balance in a
reflective or additive manner. The Paiste Sound Creation Series consists of
the following gongs and
associative characteristics:
Sound Creation SUN
Gong size: 22"
Price: Contact Sotantar
Floor Stand
Mallet M3
Custom Carrying Cases Available
Sound Creation MOON
Gong size: 24"
Price: Contact Sotantar
Floor Stand
Mallet M5
Custom Carrying Cases Available
Sound Creation EARTH Element
Gong sizes: 26",32",38"
Gong size: 26"
Price: Contact Sotantar
Floor Stand
Mallet M3
Carrying Cases Available
Gong size: 32"
Price: Contact Sotantar
Floor Stand
Mallet M3
Carrying Cases Available
Gong size: 38"
Price: Contact Sotantar
Floor Stand
Mallet M5
Carrying Cases Available
Gong Size: 60"
Price: Contact Sotantar
Floor Stand
Mallet M6
Custom Carrying Cases Available
Sound Creation Earth Element Gong
Sound Creation FIRE
(aggression J rest)
Size 20"
Sound Creation WATER
Gong size: 24"
Sound Creation FIGHT
Gong size: 22"
Sound Creation PEACE
Gong size: 22"
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The Symphonic Gongs are tuned to themselves, they have a thinner construction than the Planet Gongs.
Gong Size: 24"
Price: Contact Sotantar
Floor Stand:Mallet M3
Carrying Cases Available
Gong Size: 26"
Price:Contact Sotantar
Floor StandMallet M3
Carrying Cases Available
Gong Size: 28"
Price: Contact Sotantar
Floor StandMallet M3
Carrying Cases Available
Gong Size: 32"
Price: Contact Sotantar
Floor StandMallet M3
Carrying Cases Available
Gong Size: 34"
Price: Contact Sotantar
Floor StandMallet M5
Carrying Cases Available
Gong Size: 36"
Price: Contact Sotantar
Floor StandMallet M5
Carrying Cases Available
Gong Size: 38"
Price: Contact Sotantar
Floor StandMallet M5
Carrying Cases Available
Gong Size: 40"
Price: Contact Sotantar
Floor StandMallet M5
Carrying Cases Available
Gong Size: 60"
Price: Contact Sotantar
Floor StandMallet M6
Carrying Cases Available
Gong Size: 80"
Price: Contact Sotantar
Floor StandMallet M6
Carrying Cases Available
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Contact Sotantar for pricing.
All prices subject to change without notice.
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